Buying Your Dream

Buying a property is an exciting new adventure whether its your starter home, forever home, or even if you are downsizing.
We offer you the utmost care in picking out properties that suit your requirements.

From real estate to legal, we cover it all

If you need assistance getting connected with your mortgage broker, have no fear, our website provides Brokers and Lenders that we have worked with in the past and have shown to be good partners for our clients.

Our website lists trusted services needed for purchasing a home wisely such as appraisers, inspectors, mortgage brokers, direct lenders, and hard money lenders as well as other resources. Our website also provides you with resources so you can make your house into your home with tested and trusted references for painters, contractors, roofers, and more.

5 Steps to Prepare for Buying

Whether you are coming from a rental situation, upgrading or downsizing, buying a new home can be overwhelming. Here are a few steps to help guide you as you begin the process.

  1. What is your price range: Speak to a mortgage professional to obtain a pre-approval letter. A mortgage professional will assess your finances and help you determine how much you can afford on a mortgage payment.
  2. Where do you want to live: Drive around the neighborhoods you are interested in living in at all hours of the day and night. Read the local paper or talk to the neighborhood shop keepers. These are the best ways to get to know the area to see if it’s a good location for you.
  3. Using a real estate agent: An agent will talk to you about what you are looking for and what your needs are in your new home. Your agent will search the active listings and reach out to their contacts to find you options. They will take you to the properties and assist you through negotiations so you get the best possible price.
  4. Get a home inspection: When you find your next home, it is wise to have a certified home inspector check the bones of the home. A good home inspector will bring to light any defects that may be missed. This is an opportunity to ask the sellers to correct any issues you don’t want to inherit or to ask for credit so that you can make the corrections.
  5. Choose an attorney: An experienced attorney will review the land records to discover any liens that would encumber your new property. The attorney will draft and review all of your closing documents. The attorney will work with your bank and ensure your title documents are properly recorded.